Thursday, 18 August 2011

Reflecting on mentoring

Catching up with 23 things for professional development at the moment.

Mentoring is quite close to my heart. Recently I became a mentor with CILIP and am really enjoying it! My mentee also works as an OPL. Because we are based in different cities we conduct most of our business by email and phone.

It's a great way of reflecting on your own practice. And you get a new perspective by examining someone else's work.

Mentoring works really well for OPLs. We don't have other LIS professionals in the vicinity, but there are plenty of opportunities within our networks.

Give it a try!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

LibGuides Community

It has been around for a while, but I am still amazed by what can be found here - LibGuides taps into the collective brains of thousands of our colleagues. You can check out guides, articles and tutorials on hundreds of topics.

A great resource for the busy OPL!

LibGuides Community